Thank you Sir, I am delighted with your work. Your hard work and dedication have brought positive changes in learning excel. Though i could not yet prepared excel sheet for fetching the fund mutual fund units from nse mf fund for my portfolio. I am trying to prepare requisit worksheet in excel 2007.Thanks again.
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The computer material for IT and Excel-related courses and tutorials can be found here. The materials for which you will get the PDF files are Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021; charts; pivot tables and pivot charts; formulas; data and statistics; pivot tables; VLOOKUP; and IF functions; and many others. These tutorials are included in many academic schedules, so you will need to get detailed information. Because it will be impossible for you to search the web for every minor topic, you can download PDF files to access the information quickly. Also, tutorials, corrected exercises, and practical work will make it easy for you to understand every topic. 2ff7e9595c