VOSviewer version 1.6.19 was released on January 23, 2023. This version offers a number of improvements in VOSviewer's support for creating maps based on OpenAlex data. It also fixes some problems in creating maps based on Web of Science data.
VOSviewer version 1.6.16 was released on November 25, 2020. This version fixes some problems in VOSviewer's functionality for working with data from Dimensions and Semantic Scholar. It also offers new functionality for querying the Microsoft Academic API using author, affiliation, and journal IDs and for creating term co-occurrence maps based on Semantic Scholar data.
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VOSviewer version 1.6.15 was released on April 1, 2020. This version fixes some problems in VOSviewer's functionality for querying the API of Microsoft Academic. It also offers a few new options for querying the Microsoft Academic API, including options for searching in abstracts and for filtering out duplicate documents and non-scientific content.
VOSviewer version 1.6.14 was released on January 27, 2020. This version offers improved support for querying APIs. DOI files provide increased flexibility and can now also be used to query the Microsoft Academic API. The title search option for querying the Crossref API has been repaired. Also, security issues on Mac systems have been fixed.
February 29, 2020. A bug has been discovered in VOSviewer's functionality for creating citation and bibliographic coupling maps based on Microsoft Academic data. This bug will be fixed in an update of VOSviewer that we expect to be released soon. In the meantime, we recommend not to use VOSviewer's functionality for creating citation and bibliographic coupling maps based on Microsoft Academic data.
October 16, 2019. There are problems with VOSviewer's support for the APIs of Crossref and Microsoft Academic. In the case of the Crossref API, searching in titles of documents is not possible at the moment. The Microsoft Academic API doesn't work at all. We hope these problems will be fixed soon.
August 13, 2018. On many Windows systems, the Windows Defender software currently indicates that the Windows version of VOSviewer causes a security threat. This warning is incorrect. We are in contact with Microsoft's Windows Defender team to solve this problem. As a temporary solution, you may use the VOSviewer version for other systems.
May 29, 2018. Many users of VOSviewer have reported problems in working with CSV files exported from Scopus. These problems are caused by bugs in the export functionality of Scopus. The Scopus team is working on fixing these bugs. In the meantime, we recommend to make use of other data sources, such as Web of Science, PubMed, or Crossref.
March 22, 2019. Many users of VOSviewer have reported problems in working with CSV files exported from Scopus. These problems are caused by issues in the export functionality of Scopus. We are working together with the Scopus team to fix these issues.
VOSviewer version 1.6.9 was released on August 29, 2018. This version offers support for data exported from Dimensions. Data from Dimensions can be used to create co-authorship, citation, and bibliographic coupling maps. More information is available here.
VOSviewer version 1.6.8 was released on April 27, 2018. This version offers a number of smaller improvements. In particular, the algorithms for creating citation-based maps have been improved and support for creating maps of organizations has been extended.
On January 24-27, 2023, CWTS organizes the next edition of its VOSviewer course. The course takes place online. Participants will learn about all ins and outs of VOSviewer. The course is taught by the VOSviewer developers and includes a lot of hands-on practice with the software.
VOSviewer Online is a web-based version of VOSviewer. It runs in a web browser and can be used to share interactive visualizations and to embed these visualizations in online platforms. More information can be found in this blog post.
GIMP provides top-notch color management features toensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digitaland printed media. It is best used in workflowsinvolving other free software such as Scribus, Inkscape, and SwatchBooker.
EPANET is public domain software that can be freely copied and distributed. It is a Windows-based program that will work with all versions of Windows. Continued development and bug fixes are occurring under an open source project site in GitHub. Software bugs and feature requests can be reported on the site as issues, and information is available for those interested in contributing to the code and/or viewing the quality assurance plan, contributor guidelines, software development roadmap, automated testing suite, and other information.
The NDP.view2 is next-generation viewer software with the basic functions of previous viewer software yet offering high-speed and natural, intuitive operation. You can download the latest research use only version free of charge. If you need to use NDP.view2 for IVD, please contact Hamamatsu's distributor or sales representative.
When the software is installed, NDP.view2 (U12388-01) will become a default viewer to view Hamamatsu slides. If you would like to keep the NDP.view as a default viewer, please refer to the instruction manual.
VMware Workstation Player (formerly known as Player Pro) is a desktop hypervisor application that delivers local virtualization features and is available for free for personal use. A Commercial License can be applied to enable Workstation Player to run Restricted Virtual Machines created by VMware Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro.
VMware Workstation Player is free for personal, non-commercial use (business and nonprofit use is considered commercial use). If you would like to learn about virtual machines or use them at home, you are welcome to use VMware Workstation Player for free. Students and faculty of accredited educational institutions can use VMware Workstation Player for free if they are members of the VMware Academic Program.
The human brain is a complex system whose topological organization can be represented using connectomics. Recent studies have shown that human connectomes can be constructed using various neuroimaging technologies and further characterized using sophisticated analytic strategies, such as graph theory. These methods reveal the intriguing topological architectures of human brain networks in healthy populations and explore the changes throughout normal development and aging and under various pathological conditions. However, given the huge complexity of this methodology, toolboxes for graph-based network visualization are still lacking. Here, using MATLAB with a graphical user interface (GUI), we developed a graph-theoretical network visualization toolbox, called BrainNet Viewer, to illustrate human connectomes as ball-and-stick models. Within this toolbox, several combinations of defined files with connectome information can be loaded to display different combinations of brain surface, nodes and edges. In addition, display properties, such as the color and size of network elements or the layout of the figure, can be adjusted within a comprehensive but easy-to-use settings panel. Moreover, BrainNet Viewer draws the brain surface, nodes and edges in sequence and displays brain networks in multiple views, as required by the user. The figure can be manipulated with certain interaction functions to display more detailed information. Furthermore, the figures can be exported as commonly used image file formats or demonstration video for further use. BrainNet Viewer helps researchers to visualize brain networks in an easy, flexible and quick manner, and this software is freely available on the NITRC website (www.nitrc.org/projects/bnv/).
Given the abstract nature of graph theoretical approaches and the huge complexity of brain networks, it is important to develop easy-to-use and efficient toolkits for graph-based network construction, analysis and/or visualization. Recently, several freely available toolkits for extracting brain network topological properties have emerged, including Brain Connectivity Toolbox (BCT) [59], eConnectome [60], Graph-Analysis Toolbox (GAT) [61], Pipeline for Analyzing braiN Diffusion imAges (PANDA) [62], NetworkX ( ), Brainwaver ( -project.org/web/packages/brainwaver/index.html) and Graph-theoRETical Network Analysis toolkit (GRETNA, ), which have greatly assisted with the investigation of the brain connectome. However, toolkits for visualizing the brain connectome as nodes and edges are still lacking.
BrainNet Viewer is free software available on the NITRC website (www.nitrc.org/projects/bnv/), which runs with MATLAB under Windows, Linux and Mac OS, with either 32- or 64-bit systems. The latest version is 1.41, released September 18, 2012. The main window includes the menu bar, toolbar and contact information.
We developed BrainNet Viewer as a free software for visualizing macro-scale brain networks (or connectomics), which achieved the following major functions: 1) display brain networks in multi-views; 2) display combinations of brain surface, nodes and edges; 3) adjust properties of network elements (i.e., nodes and edges); 4) map the volume image to brain surface; 5) support various types of image format exporting and video making; and 6) provide interactive operations, such as zoom and rotate. In addition, we constructed functional brain networks from a public dataset and further analyzed and visualized the topological properties of the resultant brain networks.
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